Black construction paper
White printer paper
White Card stock
Sticker Paper
Ribbon (on the thicker side)
Single hole punch
1. Fold 5 sheets of white printer paper in half evenly
2. Fold 1 sheet of White card stock in half evenly
3. Fold 1 sheet of Construction paper in half evenly
4. Center the Card stock in the middle of the construcion paper, and glue the edges (this helps give the construction paper some strength, but I like the size of the construction paper because it made the cover bigger then the pages which looked better)
5. Take the 5 sheets of white printer paper that you folded in half and open to the middle, align with white card stock that has been glued to the construction paper hold firmly and place a hole using punch about a half inch from the bottom and one from the top... then you want to fold it and do it two more times..make sure all punches are on the crease.. pictures to show details.
6. Take ribbon and start at the top and go from the outside in and thread like a shoe..both the ends of the ribbon should be on the outside down the middle, tie into a knot and cut to desired length.
7. Using word make a template and print your question on sticker paper to be placed on the front of your book
These are my 20 questions to my guest...I cant wait to read them and have them to keep forever!!!
What’s the best
Marriage advice you’ve
Ever gotten?
What is your best?
Childhood memory
Of Mathew?
What is your best
Childhood memory
Of Stephanie?
What’s the most
Romantic place
We should visit?
Where do you see
Us in 5 years?
When did you
Know we were
Meant for each other?
Can you share a
Funny memory about
The bride and/or the groom?
What should
We name our kids?
How did we meet?
Where should we
Go for our 10-year
What were you
Really thinking
During our vows?
What’s your favorite
Memory of us
As a couple?
What should we
Do on date nights?
What should we
Do during our first
Year of marriage?
Where do you see
Us in 25 years?
If you could only
Give 1 tip of advice
What would it be?
How/ Where did
Mathew propose
To Stephanie?
What is your
wish for us?
What do you
see in our future?
What’s 1 thing we should know about each other?